

Enjoying life is an innately sunny experience and Sunstone, as an emissary of these nourishing frequencies, promotes an appreciation of the abundant solar energies seeking to enhance every aspect of our life. This bright and optimistic stone is so filled with the Sun’s rays, it can sometimes feel like you are wearing your own piece of personal sunshine. This is a good stone to wear over a long winter. Imbued with the sun’s life-affirming, unwavering pulse of joy Sunstone lifts our mood, filling us with the contented happiness so often felt when we are connected with the Sun’s heartening warmth. 


Steeped in courage and zest for life Sunstone relieves fearfulness, inspiring an easy confidence that approaches all life experiences with understanding and gratitude. Invigorating our sense of self Sunstone promotes self-assuredness, helping us to stand happily in our truth and feel contentedly at home wherever we may be.


Sunstone alleviates worry and lifts heavy heartedness. Overflowing with vibrant yet calming energy Sunstone invites release from demoralizing past experiences, encouraging a preference for holding onto only that which is joyful, and an enthusiasm for welcoming in new joyful experiences. Sunstone renews our faith and willingness to trust the wealth of solar energies available to help us succeed and be happy. Resonating powerfully to the sacred golden light of the Sun, Sunstone warms our heart and invites us to take advantage of the abundant blessings and healing frequencies emanating from the Sun’s joyful rays. 

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