

Powerful stones of prosperity Sapphires are the gift givers of life, supporting the desires of our highest consciousness and the fulfillment of our dreams. Sapphire inspires harmony and cooperation in all areas of our existence, from the psychological through to the cellular and the world around us. Encouraging the dissolution of unwanted thoughts Sapphire brings joy, a depth of intuition and an appreciation of beauty powerfully into our lives. Sapphire refines our ability to communicate, encouraging us to listen with compassion, act with kindness and understand with grateful recognition every point of view. Sapphire also supports the advantages and rewards of being authentic, honest, and true to ourselves at all times.


Black Sapphire

Black Sapphire is powerfully protective, supporting us to ground and centre ourselves with confidence and a strength that sustains us through even the most challenging and difficult of times.


Blue Sapphire

Blue Sapphire is associated with purity and the spiritual path. Encouraging us to live through our highest Self with loving compassion for all beings, Blue Sapphire champions us to bring our most angelic nature to the world. Blue Sapphire also calms and balances the nervous system.


Green Sapphire

Green Sapphire encourages fidelity, supporting loyalty, honesty, and integrity in relationship. Green Sapphire brings wisdom and discipline to our emotions and compassion to our mind.


Pink Sapphire

Pink Sapphire profoundly and powerfully promotes peace and unconditional love. Inspiring us, in every aspect of our lives, to live through the viewpoint of love.


Purple Sapphire

Purple Sapphire supports spiritual awakening, expanded consciousness, the development of wise and refined judgement, all held within a kind and compassionate approach to life.


White Sapphire

White Sapphire is extremely protective of virtue, supporting justice and correct moral values in all things. White Sapphire encourages us to discover and pursue our life’s purpose.


Yellow Sapphire

Yellow Sapphire invigorates our mental function. Sharpening our intellect to improving concentration, and through focus and discipline bring harmony to our work life and home. Yellow Sapphire encourages balance, particularly in our relationship with our finances. Supporting us to reach for and find success in our ambitions.

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