

There are two distinct characteristics to this subtle and understated stone. While grounding us powerfully in the material world Iolite also connects us profoundly to our spiritual self. Illuminating every aspect of our highest earthly potential, Iolite also clarifies our connection to the angelic realms, refining our spiritual evolution that in turn strengthens our temporal discernment. 


Supporting people particularly attuned to meditation, Iolite brings joy to the silence of the no mind state, and peace to the wisdom we discover there, amplifying our appreciation of intuitive insights and heightening our ability to experience visions in deep meditation. Iolite encourages us to reflect on our choices from the most elevated and refined perspective. Enriching our endeavours to excellence Iolite moves us to own our personal power, define our potential and realise the most rewarding path for ourselves in the world.


Promoting qualities of leadership and the ability to stand happily alone in the world, Iolite advocates organised and precise thinking and a principled outlook on life. Inspiring us to focus and fully commit to our goals, especially in the manifestation and management of wealth. Iolite brings peace and harmony to the seemingly opposing drives of our spiritual and temporal selves, inspiring us to focus on honing our ability to discern wisely and correctly. Since ancient times Iolite has also been believed to encourage healthy sleep patterns, prolong clear vision and the preservation of better eyesight. 

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