

Fluorite resonates faultlessly to the rhythm of the human mind, cleansing and strengthening our mental function more immediately than any other crystal. A calm, stable frequency that grounds spiritual energy in the physical realm, Fluorite integrates intuition with our intellectual mind. Experiencing Fluorite can feel like a fresh spring breeze percolating through our mind.


Fluorite draws life force to the brain stimulating the hemispheres to work harmoniously together. Enhancing mental clarity Fluorite encourages the mind to greater awareness. Powers of concentration and discernment are improved, stimulating a desire to bring order and clear communication into our lives. Complex issues clarify as our sense of mental equilibrium is enhanced, supporting balance and organised growth in all areas of our development. 


External influences causing mental or emotional inertia, that colour our thinking and can harm our relationships are kept at bay by this stone. At a deeper level Fluorite soothes the wounds of our souls, especially for those haunted by past experiences. Fluorite neutralises harmful energies of trauma to bring feelings of freedom, release, and a desire for a fresh start.

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